
Hospitality “to have power”

By Jennifer Fitzgerald

Contributing to an atmosphere of transformation.

The ‘first sit feeling,’ likened to the ‘First sip feeling,’ as Starbucks eloquently coined. When you sink into the sofa, feeling the soft ceramic curve of a mug with the familiar aroma of brewed coffee, musical swells in the background, the cheery faces of tiny wildflowers craning over the neck of a tiny bud vase close by — and time stands still. Your soul is awakened, fully present, drinking in the moment. You’re with someone that emanates safety, value and authenticity, the experience of being known and championed. Without airs or pretense, they are the kind of person that beckons the real you forth. This is the kind of hospitality that possesses the ability to transform.

This is the kind of hospitality that possesses the ability to transform.

It is completely attainable and reproducible in each of our own spaces. Never before have we had more access to humanity, yet so little authentic connection. Social media gives a 24hr access of intimate glances into a strategically choreographed life. However, we are a people starving for authentic community, to be seen in our raw state and strengthened. Now, this is the role of hospitality. The term hospitality originates from the Latin word hostis, meaning ‘To have power.’ Imagine if this were true in our personal spaces! The ability to transform those around us into the best version of themselves.

The ability to transform those around us into the best version of themselves.

It’s in these places where artists’ inspirations spark to life, businesses are birthed, ideals are established, dreams are stirred and friendships are formed. It beckons at our tables, in our kitchens, on our sofas.

A sacred energy is birthed in the mundane routines of life requiring only intentional connection. That connection occurs in cultivating a mindset from the core of who you are. Everyone’s space will carry a different atmosphere. Begin by identifying your core values. What makes you come alive? Write it down. Next, identify the one thing you want everyone to leave your house with. Inspiration? Rest and refreshment? Confidence? Experiential knowledge of acceptance and sense of belonging? Again, write this down. In the intentional cultivation of our hearts, we can transfer our gold to others. Once you have your list realized, take those characteristics and incorporate them into your personal expression of hospitality. Through intentionality of space and purpose, your creative expression will be felt and transferred.

Intentional Space

Practically, this looks like intentional design. Fill your space with things that are significant to you bringing inspiration. If you are inspired in your space, chances are others will be too! This could be as simple as prepping the table with fresh-faced flowers or wispy branches cascading from giant pottery. Create cozy seating arrangements for lingering conversations.

Intentional Purpose

Cultivating an atmosphere that transforms begins in us. The way we perceive others, celebrate others, believe in others begins in our own thoughts. If we choose to see the gold in those around us and call it out, they will be transformed. After that, it is simply the nature of love in communication that takes its course for others to be changed. Eye to eye contact, phones on silent, small gestures of appreciation all lend a hand in transferring value.

Hospitality is your opportunity to weave your unique thread of gold in humanity, resulting in a tapestry of beauty. So, keep the candles burning, the flowers fresh, the kettle on and watch transformation happen!

By Jennifer Fitzgerald